My work is intuitive and greatly varies in size and material. I experiment with acrylic mediums and ink washes, watercolour, found objects and gathered material which I accumulate over time. I work in layers and on several different pieces at once, often returning to them. My ongoing body of work depicts what I feel are repeating patterns in nature. I am inspired by the feeling of synchronicity and interconnectedness of consciousness in nature and the cosmos, and the idea that everything in the universe is related to and has knowledge of each other. As a visually driven person, I am interested in the presence and absence of the “artists hand” in a painting. What I perceive is the evidence of the creative and reactive decisions through process, layers, gestures, and movements of the obvious or imperceptible brush marks and lines. In my own approach, I seek sensory deprivation. At times, even the brush mark can be over stimulating and emotionally revealing. I spend a lot of time with the paint brush, actively trying to remove any trace of it. I paint the opposite of how I feel in hoping to manifest that feeling in myself. My own melancholic thoughts of natural surroundings and intensely calm euphoric meditations are what I project. My work is intuitive and greatly varies in size and material. I experiment with acrylic mediums and ink washes, watercolour, found objects and gathered material which I accumulate over time. Email: